What Did You Expect?

What Did You Expect When you became…

parents lying on the bed with their newborn baby
  • a parent – sleep disruption and your clothes as napkins
  • a chef – long hours on your feet
  • a customer service rep – customers being disrespectful

Are those the things you thought of? More than likely it was holding that precious baby. As a chef, the fabulous dishes you were going to create and how you were going to help people.  We all have certain expectations when we chose a career, relationship, lifestyle and hobbies.   The big and life changing choices definitely get more brain time than the small ones. However, we don’t always see all that comes with our choices.  The small ones get even less consideration but can have a compound effect on how we live our lives.

Visualize you are walking through your favorite store and you see the perfect outfit for you on a mannequin.  You exam it more closely, feel the fabric, maybe check the price.  You have decided that you must have it.  Now you stroll into the shoe department to find the perfect pair for your new fabulous outfit.  Next the jewelry department because it needs the perfect earrings.

Did it cross your mind where you were going to store these new purchases?  Our expectations on that new outfit usually only focuses on the positive features of our gaining a new outfit. Not on the flip side.  Your closet is already bulging, your shoe collection is sizable and your jewelry is all over the place.  It takes you a while to get ready in the morning because you can’t find what you want. You have forgotten what you have.  This is the compound effect of your shopping thought process. Also not making the decision to eliminate things that no longer fit or no longer serve your lifestyle.

Daily Choices

The choices you make daily determine your lifestyle.  What is the expectation if you decide not to fold and put the laundry away in a timely fashion. Then your choice is to dig wrinkled clothes out of the laundry basket. In addition, the laundry basket reminds you of something you need to do.  What is the expectation if you decide not to do the dishes, at least on a daily basis. Then you are inviting bugs, mold, order and a more unpleasant job of doing the dishes later.  These are not the expectations that are considered.  Think about the flip side you your daily choices and the compound effect they have on the way you live and work.

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